Whether energy is pushing outward, pushing inward or is simply enclosed within a space; energy is accounted for. It can be collected, stored, saved and shared. Is it debilitating or rewarding? Filled with joy or overwhelmed with despair? Structure and protection can both prevent and encourage growth; it is a delicate balance oftentimes, filled with uncertainty. What do you allow to come in? What do you push out? Is the energy strong or subtle? Positive or negative? How do individuals interact with others, their environment and themselves in order to to protect the personal and support others?
Through the personal, tactile and solitary act of making, I experiment with different ways of manipulating material in order to think, grow, explore and inquire. While seeking to reflect and contemplate, my sculptural objects collect personal memories, connections, experiences and intimate relationships. Within my playful process, I question the emotional energy and personal growth needed to support others, while finding comfort, renewed nostalgia and hope.
Current studio thoughts, musings and wonderings include: relationship with self structure & stability growth & protection magnetic pull of connection loss through separation ... cooking whole fish platonic intamacy humidity and lightning bugs repetitive action